As the old saying goes- when life gives you lemons, go explore New Zealand. Thus, because our flight to McMurdo was canceled, we used our spare time to roam the Canterbury countryside and fully absorb the beauty and fragrance of fields, trees, and flowering plants before we head off into a frozen wasteland.
I thought you folks back in the northern hemisphere might enjoy some pictures of spring:
Christchurch Botanic Gardens
Christchurch Botanic Gardens
This is where sweaters come from. Merino sheep are raised EVERYWHERE in New Zealand due to its wool industry. Interestingly, possums are also everywhere in NZ because they were foolishly introduced to the island country and took over the place. To encourage the removal of the possum pests they make clothes out of possum fur too.
Cliffs in Canterbury
Tomorrow morning we will make a second attempt at getting to McMurdo- an attempt that involves leaving our hotel at 5:15 am, taking off at 9:00 am, and (fingers crossed) landing in McMurdo around 3:00 pm (New Zealand time). If all goes well, we won't be seeing any flora until 2009. Cheers!
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